Dear FATHER, Ese BABA...I enter bringing praise and honour to your name. I'm grateful for the opportunity to praise YOU today... ok, so that joy of drunkiness that occired this week wasn't there...I'm kinda happ though cos mehn...I would have gone insane jore....the small craze wey I craze today 4 bcom som-tin-else. But LORD this is my status now, the comment I would write on YOUR status.... 'FATHER to YOU oh, be all the glory and adoration forevermore... everlasting FATHER, everlasting SON, immortal HOLY GHOST be THOU glorified.... For if David was the man after YOUR own heart, I know I've not praised YOU enough, but I beg to be the woman...please let the praise, the 'you dance well', the energy, the tears, the words, the 'you'ld teach me how to dance', the 'that was a nice performance/ministartion', the sweat, the craze, the screaming, the 'stupidity' that people may see in dance, the every, the worship, the music...everything L...