the blogger testifies 104

The blogger testifies that she can testify. I bless the Name of the LORD. Its so cool, crazy, awesome that HE is all HE says HE is :) Mehn! just can't get enough of it.
Then another cool thing, (for lack of a better word to use) is how the HOLY SPIRIT can speak the same thing to different people...even in different forms or English. Halleluyah!
As in...God blows my mind, defiles my logic, makes a mockery of our knowledge beautifully.
I pray you experience all of God this year. I thank God for December 31st 2012 :) Halleluyah! We are coming rejoicing, bringing in our offerings of praise and worship! Let us be worship this year LORD JESUS...let us be worship to YOU.
The word works it! (speaking to you and I).
Happy new year people, welcome to the year of the LORD, 2012.
in JESUS name, Amen x
thank YOU JESUS!

(see, signs of the times, the stage is being set, let the LORD lead us all so we don't miss it with HIM in JESUS name, Amen)


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