I spoke to the toilet this morning! 'Make way you rectum! Open your external anal sphincter and let me flow into the toilet' Release the grip of the pudendal nerve and allow me pass. Thank God your owner has no active incontinence else it be socially acceptable or not, it be broad daylight or not, it be infront of your examiner or not, if you, oh rectum be filled...I mayest passeth not withstanding. you know, just like a baby! LOL' What is funny? you think the food was nice, garnished, HACCP fully covered, oh...I see, Abby's kitchen did the trick... nice try, but we both know if this was the case of passive incontinence your white coat would be penetrated! Brown as stercobilinogen pleases... stercobilinogen...hmmm, many more reasons to be thankful! why? you ask... close your mouth else primary saliva will be forced to drop out too! with all its glory of high K and Cl, low Na and HCO3 as the reverse is the case for our intended secondary saliva after pa...