Poetry: Tomorrow

Everyday I say tomorrow
I increase my portions
Because this discipline thing is just hard
I cry aloud and eat sweets
Because this discipline thing is just hard
My body craves for biscuits, chocolates, anything
Because this discipline thing is just hard
But from today, my tomorrow starts today
Everyday I say tomorrow
I watch one more episode
Because this discipline thing is just hard
I roam around the streets of the internet
Because this discipline thing is just hard
I try to look for what to distract myself
Because this discipline thing is just hard
But I heard that with every small step,
Every denying of myself repeatedly
My tomorrow would have started today.

Hello guys, this is what I've been up to (and more) on my instagram. Still perusing my intent for this blog, toiling with a few ideas...I hope to be back with something. I hope you're doing well. Thank you to everyone who checks this blog.

Cupcakes, fried rice and Jesus joy,


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