Cranial content: on proposals and surprises

              Hi guys, I do hope your week is going on fine. Today I'm sharing my thought on proposals and surprises. Enjoy and enjoy the rest of the week.
           I have been for fairy tales and gorgeous surprises, but at the moment my state of mind is: wetin be dis? Bia, a young man has been 'patrolling' your life and you've given him access to you (howbeit hands off limited). Now the bros has proposed to you and you're kwanu?. What was he supposed to do before? Why was he running around your smell? Wasn't it to marry you?
             So I'm sure a couple of folks will be like 'I said it, sebi I talk am say na she go fit roll eyes sake of say person don propose to am'. Oh no, I'm all for the sweetness, the romantic gesture, lovey dovey...I love that...yes, you're officially asking for my hand in marriage but I don't think it should be so out of the blues surprising...maybe I'm just old fashioned sef. Maybe it's the way he proposed/officially asks for you to join his team that is the surprise, I get that. 
            So this isn't a need for anyone to catch it but if it applies, please feel free to indulge in catching your sub.

Igbo words/phrases
Bia: come
Ke kwanu: how are you doing?

Coming this photo Friday...


  1. Ehn, is it not all your women that'll be indulging men into your lives, and giving wrong signals all over the place!
    @Photo Friday...looks interesting! Waiting for this!!!

    1. True that T.Notes! Kai! Sorry I'm late on replying and doing the photostory. :)

  2. As much as i find this article an interesting read, i do strongly disagree with the " I don't think it should be so out of the blues surprising". Not all dating or relationships lead to marriage..if after running around your smell, he tells you on a fateful day that he thinks you are holding him down..somebody say what..pastor said this or that..bla bla bla, would that then be any less surprising?? I'm not trying to sound negative and all but if the sole aim of dating/relationship was a guaranteed marriage proposal, then i believe there wouldn't be any ripe single ladies available.

    1. Thanks for commenting Duke. I really appreciate this. I do understand your point but I'm talking acting all surprised like you just met him. It may still be surprising, perhaps the way the proposal was done. It was a rant of the moment by the way. :)


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