the blogger testifies 52

HE loves me coming soon :)

HE loves me scatter, my JESUS loves me scatter!
I'ld hold on to YOU LORD.
I'ld try to focus on the solution, focus on YOU than on the problem, or the situation.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...LORD, I want more of YOU.
I testify of YOUR faithfulness, I testify of YOU, I testify of life, love, everything from family to friends to academics...I testify also by faith for although my beginning was small....yet my latter shall be greater. This is the year of the LORD! And for those reading: I pray that the LORD, my GOD, the GOD of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the great GOD and HOLY ONE of Israel would be for you this year, keep you, bless you and give you the grace to know, love, trust, serve and obey HIM, giving you the wisdom and grace to do your part (as HE has done HIS on the cross), may HE meet you at the point of your need in JESUS name, Amen.


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