Let me tell you a story, yes, a real life story. In the time when the earth was still "young", there was great wickedness going on...but there was a man named Noah that pleased God. God? Yes, God...the creator and owner of everything, God. The people hurt God so much that His course of action was to remove the people, wipe the earth. Me? When I go through this story I'm amazed at how honest God is to leave the story there...that, is perhaps story for another day. I continue, still, there was a man named Noah. As Noah pleased God, He (God) told him (Noah) to build an ark, it was going to rain. Yes, build an ark! God gave him the specifications and instructions; animals will be on board, 2 by 2...2 of each, male and female. Noah built an ark, he obeyed God. The people laughed at him...it was definitely funny. An ark when we haven't seen such rain. They got in when it was time, Noah and his family. And then, it rained!!! Just like he said, it rained. T...