Fragments of truth...I (the re-post)

"if you love me you'll wait for me!" Those sweet words pierced through my heart and vented out of my mouth. How could he say such a thing? How could he possibly mean it?!

"...if you love me you'll wait for me!" Those words forced out of my mouth, I didn't know what else to say but sure enough even in this pain I knew that I was doing the right thing.
How could he say such a thing when he knew I genuinely loved him?...before marriage? Never...but I didn't want to loose him.
"Tolu but how could you say you love me but yet hide one thing from me?" he said. "Felix how can you say you love me yet you keep me away from the altar?" Now that sounded sarcastic but I was serious....dead serious.
"So you think this is a joke right, I'm not refusing to marry you, of course I know what the word says, I know what tradition says but just once. An assurance".
"NO!", "I can't and I'm sorry, not at all"
"then so be it, its over" he said storming out
"but Felix, Felix, Felix" I said weeping.
Trust me, I couldn't run after him...I realised there and then that I had taken enough from this man, my love for 4 years.
I sit in my room now and I reflect...just too many things. Just like that he's walked out on everything we've shared!


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