the blogger testifies 20

(updated: 24th)
call this banal but I must testify! This past week has been awesome people. I've got this "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" fever...and I like it so its staying forever!
HIS faithfulness is off the track...
This week I testify of GOD's sweetness, faithfulness, grace, joy, hand...I testify of HIM! From tests that went well, to test that did not go well, from 1st week to 15th week, I say I'm grateful. Its not by my power nor by my strength. HE turned my 'Mara' into sweet things. For family, friends, love, life...for JESUS...I'm grateful. And also for the long BMC students who have finished, those who had all their exemptions and those who'll write exams...I thank GOD. When I think about HIS love, it makes me weak. I'm also grateful for exams, my friends and many people writing this season, I thank HIM for excellent success.
Sunday service was...WOW! the praise was..!! HE deserves so much more. This season is going to be exciting and great as HIS presence has taken over!
So much to be grateful today (24th) is 2nd grandpa's (Ike) birthday, I thank GOD for his life. Have a wonderful and miracle-filled week people...GOD bless :)
thank YOU JESUS!


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