In closing
I would like to use this medium (as I have always done) to say a very big thank YOU to the Number One person who reads, visits and even shares my blog posts :) To my best friend, my main Man, my main Person, my Lover, my All...yes, we will always be on it because I'm still being made to be like YOU. To my game changer ;) my Redeemer, the One who I know can take a thousand and more bullets for me, who took my life from below and broke me to make me into who He wants me to be. Who breaks me even now and once again, just because He wants to make me who He wants and also to remind me that He can do it. To my strengthner, my Father, my lover...once again, my Love, my Lover, my best friend. Thank YOU God the Father, thank YOU God the Son, thank YOU God the Holy Spirit. I'm here winking at the game changing power of the Holy Spirit and I wish I could explain it but I'm so grateful that I can rely on Him. I am very grateful, very very actually. To my concept consultant, my way ...