Fragments of truth XIV

Special thanks to those reading (thanks for the comments Dee One)
Its been three weeks since Felix and I broke up. I intentionally travelled that weekend to the Uk. Cut off all contacts with the Nigerian community…in Nigeria! Except my family of course. They jointly called twice, just to ask about my wellbeing, not about Felix and I. Thank God I was given a leave in such short notice. Just couldn’t stand the ‘events’ that would unfold in church. Pastor had sent me a Facebook inbox.
‘hi Tolu…trust you’re doing great. I learnt you travelled out of the country…pls see me when you get back. Regards from my wife and kids. You’re blessed in Jesus name, Amen! Shalom”.
I knew where this was going. I’ll see him on Sunday. Oh…the news hit fb once I changed my status. Kai! God is faithful ni! Just plenty ‘it is well’ on my page. Felix had plenty ‘guy wetin happen to hotcake?’. I’m also grateful to God that Felix did not write hate messages…he silently ignored everything. Twitter? I deactivated my account…couldn’t bear to know what happened or if that was where he finished me. But I doubt…even in all this mess…I still…you know the rest jore!
Kai: an this case could be likened to 'wow'.


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