Fragments of truth III

Thursday...Friday...Saturday...I'm back to normal :) more day dreaming! Sunday.

Now I have to tell you that you that I seriously tried to position myself in order to be visible. Well, he sits quite far from my favourite seat (I practically own it!)...abeg I wasn't stalking him oh!!!! Just one of those guys you keep seeing in know now!
I concentrated in church oh!!! Service was great, Pastor preached on "temptations"...juicy...1Cor 10:13...please check it up. Chatting up with friends after church was fun...its still fun sef.
"Er, hi guys"
"Hi" they said. We were 3 girls chatting, he kinda knew 2 of them.
" you doing?"
"oh hi...Felix...fine thanks...and you?" I said turning in response to the voice behind me. I knew the voice, and that was just the person I was hoping to see.
"ah, thank God...I'm good. Sorry please excuse us ladies..."
interesting...we sha said our goodbyes.
"You look good...really nice dress"
"thanks. You look good totally!" I said blushing.
And mehn, did he look good...hawt! on point with his black suit and pink shirt...mehn, hot!!!!!!
"Em, so where are you off to?"
"oh, I have drama practice in 20". Twas so clear he really was trying his best to start a conversation.
"yeah thats true, you're good."
...lemme not bore you, we did get along, gisted about the state of the nation...can you imagine...he's an intellectual!
"wow...20 minutes gone already. I know you declined last time, but please can I have your I can call you once in a while"
" the way...apart from you composure, the first thing I've noticed about you is that you've got a pair of fresh fair legs...and please I mean that in the most Christian way...aight, bye"
he said and walked away, without even waiting for a thank you.
pair of fresh fair legs... :o


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