Fragments of truth VI

After successfully pursing a masters degree in public administration at the university of Liverpool, I was so happy to head back to Nigeria in June. My parents were too busy with the twins’ graduation and Felix with work, so my Uk family had to take the stand.

Back in Nigeria:
My relationship with Felix was still in top form, we sure were able to pull it off…obviously by God’s grace. However, things really did not seem to be as I left it. Well, I got back to an empty Lagos. Felix was there to welcome me, and so were my family and friends. I had missed everyone. Felix, Mum, dad, Tope &Toye. I really missed those boys, at least I got to see them before they left for NYSC in Abuja. Did I hear someone say Otondo!!! Lol!!!
An empty Lagos? Yes, because three month before I got back Felix was posted to oversee a five month project in Ogun state. Don’t get me wrong, we were still very much into each other like I said, but he had some new friends I was yet to meet them. We had been through the distance trial but you know, with a new place comes new friends and associates…people that may be absolutely different from you.
The word of God is right jore! He who thinks he stands should take heed lest he falls. I had always known my Felix to be strong willed but then, I guess we felt we…yes, I won’t let him take the blame all alone…could handle anything. Why I’m taking the blame? Because I should have prayed and encouraged him more…I think. He had complained of the ‘office situation’ where all his friends went out to drink and have ‘fun’ but he was left alone. He wasn’t a baby jore! That was my conclusion.


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